Thursday, November 21, 2024 from 11:30 am – 2 pm

Jenny Town, Kevin L. Miller and Iliana Ragnone

This panel is cohosted by the Santa Fe World Affairs Forum, the Santa Fe Community College and the Stimson Center. It is sponsored by the Korea Foundation

US national security in the Asia-Pacific hinges on its bilateral alliances with Pacific Rim countries. South Korea is and has been a crucial part of this relationship since the end of World War II. Today, the US-South Korea alliance remains a cornerstone to peace and stability throughout the Pacific. It may well become even more so globally. We have more troops stationed in South Korea than in any other Asian country including neighboring Japan. Many US veterans have served in South Korea and US active duty military continue to head that way. This relationship has kept North Korea, China and Russia at bay. Over the years, South Korea has prospered economically as it moved from dictatorship to democracy. The US – nationally and locally – has quietly benefited from those changes.

Now, as geopolitical winds shift, the Korean Peninsula is again in the international spotlight – most recently with North Korea’s recent decision to supply weapons and troops to aid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. How will this impact South Korea’s role geopolitically and how will leadership decisions in both the US and South Korea affect US national security strategy in addressing this and other significant global issues.

The Panelists:

Jenny Town is a Senior Fellow at the Stimson Center and the Director of Stimson’s Korea Program and 38 North. Her areas of expertise include North Korea, US-DPRK relations, US-ROK alliance relations and extended deterrence, and Northeast Asia regional security.

Kevin L. Miller is Georgia Chapter President and Membership Coordinator of the Korea Defense Veterans Association (KDVA). He served in the United States Army for six years, and for the past 25 years has served in middle and senior management roles within the defense industry and international sales markets.

Iliana Ragnone (moderator) is a Research Associate for the Korea Program and Producer of 38 North at the Stimson Center. She contributes to 38 North’s satellite imagery portfolio and focuses on security issues.

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Registration: This SFWAF lunch is $25 for members and $35 for nonmembers. You may pay by check made out to SFWAF and mailed to The Santa Fe World Affairs Forum, Santa Fe, PO Box 31965, NM 87594 or with a credit card using our Paypal account.  Please indicate on your check or if using Paypal please note in “add special instructions to the seller” that your payment is for the Thursday, November 21, 2024  program.  

There are limited funds for special Student Scholarships for college and university students to attend this program free.  Please email to indicate your interest and for additional information.  

If you are not a member please also include your best contact information. If you are interested in membership, please email us.

Payment for this program is non-refundable after November 14, 2024 if you are unable to attend.  We strongly prefer that payment be made by Paypal or check postmarked by November 14, 2024 at the latest to facilitate check in. It is also very helpful if you are sending a check to email us at to let us know you plan to attend.

If you are not a member but interested in membership, please see our membership page and email for additional information.   

Because we are a 501(c)(3) organization, dues and contributions are tax deductible. 

For pricing and reservations, click here:

Location: SFCC Jemez is in the West Wing (Administration Building). and located just beyond the Student Center on the right side of the corridor before the Book Store. The Jemez Room can be accessed through the entrance to the left and behind the flag poles. The college is located at 6401 Richards Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87508. Enter through the building’s main entrance (on the left side of the building behind the flag poles and continue straight beyond the Student Center).

Directions: From Rodeo Road turn south onto Richards Avenue. Turn into the campus main drive. Parking lots are in front of the building. From I-25 take the Cerrillos Road exit, turn east onto Governor Miles Road and then right onto Richards Avenue. Then follow directions above.

The Panelists

Jenny Town
Jenny TownSenior Fellow at the Stimson Center and the Director of Stimson’s Korea Program and 38 North
Jenny Town is a Senior Fellow at the Stimson Center and the Director of Stimson’s Korea Program and 38 North. Her areas of expertise include North Korea, US-DPRK relations, US-ROK alliance relations and extended deterrence, and Northeast Asia regional security.
Kevin L. Miller
Kevin L. MillerGeorgia Chapter President and Membership Coordinator of the Korea Defense Veterans Association (KDVA)
Kevin L. Miller is Georgia Chapter President and Membership Coordinator of the Korea Defense Veterans Association (KDVA). He served in the United States Army for six years, and for the past 25 years has served in middle and senior management roles within the defense industry and international sales markets.
Iliana Ragnone
Iliana RagnoneResearch Associate for the Korea Program and Producer of 38 North at the Stimson Center
Iliana Ragnone (moderator) is a Research Associate for the Korea Program and Producer of 38 North at the Stimson Center. She contributes to 38 North’s satellite imagery portfolio and focuses on security issues.